#Gaza Strip

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3 days ago
US news

Nikki Haley writes 'Finish them' on artillery shell in Israel

Nikki Haley signed an artillery shell in Israel with 'Finish them' amid controversy over civilian deaths in Gaza. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 days ago
US news

Perspective | Hiding behind words after the killings in Rafah

The recent Israeli airstrike on a tent camp in Rafah resulted in civilian casualties alongside the targeted militants. [ more ]
6 days ago
US news

Aid trucks begin entering Gaza under agreement with Egypt to bypass Rafah

Aid trucks entered Gaza from Israel bypassing the Rafah crossing due to ongoing fighting, impacting humanitarian access and aid retrieval. [ more ]
1 week ago

Patients in Gaza's Al-Aqsa Hospital at risk of death' amid fuel shortages

Severe fuel shortages in Gaza are causing hospitals like Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital to face imminent closure, risking the lives of patients reliant on medical equipment and generators. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 week ago
US news

Perspective | Amidst outrage and red tape, the ICC questions Israel's moral compass

The International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for high-ranking members of Hamas and the Israeli government for war crimes in Gaza. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

Israel recovers the bodies of 3 hostages

Israel recovers bodies of hostages killed in Hamas-led attack in the Gaza Strip, escalating tensions between the two sides. [ more ]
4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Israel promises to fight genocide accusation at ICJ

South Africa launched case against Israel, saying the magnitude of death and destruction in Gaza meets the threshold of the 1948 Genocide Convention.
5 months ago
Europe news

Thursday Briefing

Image A man inspecting the rubble from an Israeli strike in central Gaza on Monday.Credit...Adel Hana/Associated Press Skepticism is growing over one of Israel's key objectives: to eliminate Hamas, the Islamist political and military organization that maintains control over the Gaza Strip.
5 months ago
World news

Israel Airstrikes Expand to Southern Gaza as It Reframes Focus

The Israeli military is expanding its airstrikes to sensitive areas in the southern reaches of the Gaza Strip as it refocuses its military campaign toward Khan Younis and the critical Rafah border city after approaching what it described as operational control in the north of the territory.
5 months ago
World news

The Epicenter of Gaza Humanitarian Crisis Is This Border Town

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have fled Israeli strikes, causing a humanitarian crisis in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.
The population of Rafah has tripled due to the influx of displaced Palestinians, creating overcrowded shelters and skyrocketing rents. [ more ]
5 months ago
Black Lives Matter

No end in sight as death toll rises in Gaza and Israel escalates attacks

Israeli armed forces intensify bombardment of Gaza Strip and carry out raids in occupied West Bank
Humanitarian aid efforts in Gaza near collapse [ more ]
5 months ago
World news

Looting, Other Crimes Break Out in Southern Gaza as Israel Presses Assault

Hamas is losing control of the Gaza Strip amid Israel's military offensive
Efforts to deliver essential supplies to Palestinians are being disrupted by the fighting [ more ]
5 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Gaza's entrepreneurs are being killed by Israel'

Entrepreneurial leaders in Gaza Strip are being killed, leaving a void in the startup and business world.
The entrepreneurs in Gaza worked together to improve new graduates' prospects, but Israel's bombings have taken a toll on their community. [ more ]
6 months ago
World news

Gaza Civilians, Under Israeli Barrage, Are Being Killed at Historic Pace

The death toll during Israel's assault in Gaza is unprecedented in this century, surpassing even the deadliest moments of U.S.-led attacks in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.
Most of the casualties in Gaza are women and children.
Israel is using very large weapons in densely populated urban areas, which is surprising to experts. [ more ]
6 months ago
Public health

Israel-Hamas War: Biden Says Gaza Hospitals Must be Protected

Israeli military vehicles advanced to the besieged Al-Shifa hospital complex in Gaza, worsening the already dire conditions for patients and staff
Without electricity or fuel, corpses are decomposing at the hospital and doctors struggle to care for prematurely born babies [ more ]
#Israeli army
5 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Israel intensifies daily raids on occupied West Bank

Four Palestinians, including three teenagers, were killed in 24 hours and 60 people were arrested in Israeli army raids in the West Bank.
The violence in the West Bank has escalated in parallel to Israel's war on the Gaza Strip. [ more ]
5 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Israel-Hamas war: List of key events, day 58

Israeli army continues to bomb Gaza Strip, killing hundreds of Palestinians since end of truce
Hamas launches largest barrage of rockets from Gaza Strip since ceasefire ended [ more ]
moreIsraeli army
#humanitarian crisis
5 months ago
Europe news

Thursday Briefing

Israeli airstrikes continue in Gaza, causing death and destruction
Conditions in Gaza are desperate, with food and water shortages and overcrowded shelters [ more ]
5 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Searching for survivors after Israeli attack on central Gaza building

Israeli forces continue to pound Gaza Strip on the 60th day of war
Crowds attempt to rescue survivors and retrieve bodies from bombed buildings [ more ]
morehumanitarian crisis
5 months ago
US news

Gaza war is deadliest conflict for journalists in over 30 years, press advocates say

Palestinian journalist Ayat Khaddoura was killed in an Israeli airstrike on her home in Gaza, making her one of the many journalists who have died during the Israel-Gaza war.
The Committee to Protect Journalists states that the Israel-Gaza war has resulted in the deadliest month for journalists since 1992, with a majority of the deaths being Palestinian journalists. [ more ]
6 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Thousands march for Palestine as Israel and Hamas resume fighting

Thousands of people in Jordan march for the eight week in a row in support of Palestinians in Gaza.
Protests against Israeli attacks on Gaza also held in the occupied West Bank and Yemen. [ more ]
6 months ago
World news

A U.S.-Iranian Miscalculation Could Lead to a Larger War, Officials Say

Both Washington and Tehran want to avoid a wider war in the region.
There is a concern that a miscalculation could lead to a regional conflict. [ more ]
6 months ago
Public health

Deadly Strike Rocks a Hospital in Gaza, Where Few Are Still Working

Another hospital in Gaza Strip came under fire, highlighting the collapse of the health system.
The Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahia was attacked, resulting in casualties.
International groups like the World Health Organization have urged hospitals not to be targeted. [ more ]
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